Template Download Error

  1. Template Download Error Office 2007

nginx |Apache HTTPD |Lighttpd |express.js |koa.js |Caddy |Customization

Simple HTTP Error Page Generator. Create a bunch of custom error pages - suitable to use with Lighttpd, Nginx, expressjs, koajs ,Apache-Httpd or any other Webserver.

Along with the download of a theme, you are provided with an extended documentation. Clear instructions will guide you through the whole process of a template customization, allowing to make the most out of your website’s functionality.

Here is a collection of free Excel templates. Every template has a brief description with the download link. If you want to learn more about the templates, click on the read more link. Stack Exchange network consists of 174 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Visit Stack Exchange. I have a new Windows 7 Premium Edition laptop. I installed the complete version of Office 2007 Enterprise. I went to use an Excel template and found that no matter.


  • Static pages (for webservers)
  • Multi-Language (i18n) support
  • Generator script to customize pages
  • Native express.js middleware
  • Native koa.js middleware



Just clone/download the git repository or use the prebuild packages (only the generated html files are included)

Download Prebuild Packages (Pages only, en_US)

Direct Download


NGINX Integration

NGINX supports custom error-pages using multiple error_page directives.

File: default.conf

Example - assumes HttpErrorPages are located into /var/ErrorPages/.

Apache Httpd Integration

Apache Httpd 2.x supports custom error-pages using multiple ErrorDocument directives.

File: httpd.conf or .htaccess

Example - assumes HttpErrorPages are located into your document root/var/www/...docroot../ErrorPages.

Lighttpd Integration

Lighttpd supports custom error-pages using the server.errorfile-prefix directive.

File: lighttpd.conf

Example - assumes HttpErrorPages are located into /var/www/ErrorPages/.

expressjs Integration

Template Download Error

HttpErrorPages are available as NPM-Package - just install http-error-pages via npm/yarn



A ready-to-use example can be found in examples/express.js


Syntax: Promise _httpErrorPages.express(expressWebapp [, options:Object])

  • template - the path to a custom EJS template used to generate the pages. default assets/template.ejs
  • css - the path to a precompiled CSS file injected into the page. default assets/layout.css
  • footer - optional page footer content (html allowed). default null
  • lang - language definition which should be used (available in the i18n/ directory). default en_US

koajs Integration

HttpErrorPages are available as NPM-Package - just install http-error-pages via npm/yarn



A ready-to-use example can be found in examples/koa.js.Keep in mind that the following example has to be executed within an async context!


Syntax: Promise _httpErrorPages.koa([options:Object])

  • template - the path to a custom EJS template used to generate the pages. default assets/template.ejs
  • css - the path to a precompiled CSS file injected into the page. default assets/layout.css
  • footer - optional page footer content (html allowed). default null
  • lang - language definition which should be used (available in the i18n/ directory). default en_US

Caddy Integration

Caddy supports custom error-pages using errors directive.

File: Caddyfile

Example - assumes HttpErrorPages are located into /var/www/error.

Template download error microsoft word


First of all, cloneor download the http-error-pages repository.

Install Dependencies

You have to install the node dev dependencies to build the pages:

To customize the pages, you can edit any of the template files and finally run the generator-script.All generated html files are located into the dist/ directory by default.

If you wan't to add custom pages/additional error-codes, just put a new entry into the i18n/pages-en_US.json file (its recommended to copy the file).The generator-script will process each entry and generates an own page.


  • config.json - basic configuration options
  • assets/layout.scss - the SCSS based styles
  • assets/template.ejs - the EJS based page template
  • i18n/pages-.json - the page definitions (multilanguage)
  • dist/*.html - generator output directory

Change page styles

To modify the page styles, just edit the SCSS based layout assets/layout.scss and finally run gulp to generate the css code.The new layout file is stored in assets/layout.css - run the page generator to create the pages.


Multi language (i18n)

To use a different language just provide a custom page definition - in case the file is located in i18n you can use the --lang option


Add custom pages

Create custom error codes/pages used by e.g. CloudFlare

Template Download Error Office 2007


Change footer message

The footer message can easily be changed/removed by editing config.json.

Example - customm footer

Example - no footer

Modify the HTML template

The HTML template is based on ejs and located in assets/template.ejs - you can apply any kind of changes.

Command line options

The http-error-pages generator allows you to use custom template/config files directly. This is the recommended method to create full-customized pages.

Example - use custom files

We assume you've created a folder named example_org which contains all relevant template files


HttpErrorsPages is OpenSource and licensed under the Terms of The MIT License (X11) - your're welcome to contribute

You can download free, pre-built document templates with useful and creative themes from Office when you click File > New in your Office app.

Templates can include calendars, business cards, letters, cards, brochures, newsletters, resumes, and much more. You can use any template you download as-is, or you can customize it to meet your needs.

When you select a template you'll be presented with a dialog box that shows you a larger view of the template. To download and use it, click the Create button and a new file will be created for you, using that template, all ready for you to customize with your information.

If you're looking to print on Avery labels you may find this article helpful: Print on Avery Labels with Microsoft Word.

Tip: Looking for a large collection of great templates for Microsoft Office? Check out https://templates.office.com!